

Our products are the result of quality work and attention to details

The several certifications and awards we’ve received over the years are a testament to that quality that’s always been the core of TECNOPLAST’s work philosophy. The UNI EN 29002 was the first certifications we’ve received back in 1995, followed by continuous updates up until the current ISO 9001:2015.


In 2023, after an important improvement process of the entire Quality System, we obtained the significant IATF 16949:2016 certification specific to the Automotive compartment. Our commitment in the automotive industry has progressively increased, and today we can count among the users of our components all the most prestigious Italian and European automotive companies, both luxury and sports. This certification places our company at the highest levels in terms of product quality and service, ensuring a Quality System at the forefront of the market.


TECNOPLAST also adopts a self-assessment system through the IQRS Quality model, and has implemented various best practises from the EFQM Quality model.


Download the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Download the IATF 16949:2016 Certificate



TECNOPLAST has also received, from some of its prestigious clients, official awards such as the Qualitas prize awarded by New Holland Group for “best supplier of plastic components”.



Our products’ properties

Structural properties:

  • High rigidity
  • High load capacity
  • Shock resistance
  • Dimensional Stability
  • Thermal stress
  • Chemical resistance
  • Antistatic & Conductive
  • Flame resistance

Tribological properties:

  • Wear resistance
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Low noise output
  • Stick-slip behaviour

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    Polymer Technology and
    respect for people.

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